Skin is our largest organ and is constantly exposed to external effects. As a baby, our skin gradually loses its elasticity and vitality. This accelerates aging;
Irregular sleep
Smoking and alcohol consumption
Excessive stress and fatigue
Sudden changes in hormones due to emotions and traumas
Air pollution
Foods with chemical additives and excessive oil
Low consumption of water, the source of life
Preventing all of these and protecting our skin is necessary for our beauty, self-confidence and complete health.
Skin care is very important not only to look beautiful; but also to protect our mental and physical health. A healthy looking face and hands increase our relationships with our environment, our performance at work and our morale.
In order for our skin to maintain its normal function, it is important to care for it with natural and effective products suitable for your skin type.
In addition, facial massage with movements appropriate to the facial muscles and with natural oils and natural creams is very important for our well-being and health.
You can contact me for "Western and Far Eastern Massage Training" .
Coconut Oil
This food item, which is rich in saturated fatty acids, has been described as an unhealthy food that has a bad reputation in the past years with this feature. However, today's research emphasized the positive effects on the metabolism with the medium chain length fatty acids it contains. Approximately 90% of the fatty acids owned by coconut oil are saturated and most of them consist of lauric, myristic and palmitic acid. It is a desired raw material in the industry with its high rate of lauric acid content. The amount of lauric acid is approximately 46-48%. It is used in many fields such as food, medicine and chemistry. Coconut is also rich in alpha-tocopherol. It is among the 10 most used trees in the world. It grows in areas dominated by the tropical climate such as Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Ivory Coast.
Cacao Oil
It has a strong antioxidant structure. In this way, it stops the oxidation and organic rusting of the skin from the outside and inside. It is anti-constipation. Intensive Moisturizer is an anti-wrinkle It is used as a conditioner and hand-face cream and anti-crack. Tanning is.
Glycerine (Glycerol) E 422
To make a chemical explanation of glycerin; we can say that it is a polar organic trihydroxy alcohol. It is in liquid form, is non-toxic and slightly sweet. Another name is Glycerol. Glycerin mixes with alcohol and water, dissolves in acetone. In short, it is a sugar alcohol and its boiling point is quite high. Glycerin can be obtained from petrochemical and natural ways. It contains vegetable and animal oils in glycerin. It has high moisturizing feature and can absorb 4 times its volume. It is used in the food industry. It acts as a moisture trap, sweetener and solvent. It is used for therapeutic purposes in constipation complaints. It is especially used as suppository. It is found in personal care products such as toothpaste, skin care products, mouthwashes, hair care products and shaving creams. The reason for being in these products is that the moisturizing feature of glycerin is strong. It is used in candle and soap production. It also makes stain removal easier. It can also be used for ear cleaning. It is also used in dynamite production. Glycerin is combined with Triniglycerin and Nitric acid. You can also use plain glycerine on your heels that dry, crack and harden due to excessive heat in summer, cold in winter or shoes you use.
It is a natural substance secreted from the wax secretion glands in the abdominal rings at the age of 12-18 days. Its color is white as soon as it is secreted, then it becomes darker. Bees produce wax to knit the honeycomb eyes. In its chemical structure; alkali esters (72%), free fatty acids (14%), hydrocarbons (11%), free alcohols (1%) and unknown substances (2%). In addition, it contains propolis and high levels of vitamin A. Vitamin A in it can be taken by chewing. Beeswax is used in the cosmetic industry. It is a very valuable product that is widely used in shoemaking, water-resistant yarn production, waterproof tents and other materials, in some branches of medicine and in many other fields. Wax: How Do We Know It Is Pure? Pure beeswax burns completely if it is thrown into the fire, and a nice scent spreads to the environment. When a small piece of wax is chewed, pure wax does not stick to the teeth, bad taste and aroma are not felt.
Pine Oil / Turpentine
Coquan in the content of pine turpentine obtained by steam distillation, that is, separation method; oil / essential oil with pyrene and resin acid. There are many chemicals in the shampoos. These chemicals are; While damaging the hair, they greatly disrupt their natural structure, making them look unhealthy. Even the turpentine oil from the no-poo flow, which means no shampoo, started because of all these negative effects; Used with shampoo, it eliminates the chemical effects of shampoo. In other words, using only shampoo minimizes the damage you cause to your hair. Even if you have no hair problems; When you apply pine turpentine oil by mixing it in your shampoo, you can eliminate the possibility of being damaged by the chemical components of your hair. The oil, which seriously repairs and nourishes the hair follicles, is a very useful oil in the problem of hair loss. While pine turpentine oil nourishes your hair follicles, it also helps your hair grow faster. It allows you to get rid of dandruff problems and skin problems with regular use.
Note: Since pine turpentine oil is a burning oil, it is recommended not to contact the eyes.
Dead nettle
Nettle, which is included in many drugs today, is a herbaceous plant that grows from the nettle family and blooms throughout the year, blooming in May and August. Feathers called Emergenz contain histamine and formic acid. For this reason, it causes itching and redness when it touches the skin and takes the name of the nettle from here. Nettle contains histamine, potassium salts, formic acid, organic acids and vitamin C. It also contains vitamins A and D. The leaves of stinging nettle are very rich in silica and sulfur.
Dried nettle leaves are used externally to remove acne and spots on the skin. It is used as a skin tonic on skin with acne problems. Nettle leaves are also good for insect bites and eczema. Stinging Nettle Prevents Hair Loss: Boiling the nettle leaves and washing the hair helps to support the hair from the outside. In addition, this process protects the scalp health, and nettle tea supports this external treatment internally and can provide much more effective results. For this, washing the hair with nettle leaves and consuming nettle tea can eliminate the problem of hair loss.
The active ingredients contained in it provide easy removal of sand with stones formed in the kidneys and bladder, but it also prevents its formation in stone and sand formation. Prepared from the leaves, roots and seeds of the nettle, nettle tea plays an effective role on the kidneys.

It is aimed to clean the skin from accumulated dust, dirt, make-up residues, sebum (oil) and dead cells, increase the oxygen exchange of the skin, prevent the skin from being worn and deformed, assist the nutrition and renew of the skin, protect the skin against external factors.
The first step of skin care is cleansing the skin. The aim here is to remove the physiological wastes of the skin such as sebum accumulated on the skin, structures formed as a result of oxidation of sebum, dead skin cells, sweat, removing microorganism and environmental impurities stuck on the skin and purifying the skin from make-up residue. Since it is not possible to purify the impurities in oil with water, it is necessary to use soap with natural olive oil or other useful oils. However, when soap is used, skin pH shifts to alkali, so it is not used in dry skin and moistening is required.
It is a transparent, semi-transparent or opaque (pearlescent white) liquid product and is used for face cleaning. Lotions are especially recommended for people who do not want to use soap for mild makeup cleansing or for morning facial cleansing. Types. It is divided into lotions containing alcohol and Cleansing milk.
To make cleansing milk, equal parts of olive oil and rose water are thoroughly mixed.
They provide the narrowing of the pores in the skin for the purpose of compressing the skin. They control the production of sebum, reduce the likelihood of lubrication of the skin and refresh the skin and are products that create a peeling effect on the keratin layer. It is also used to remove residues of the cleanser after skin cleansing. Types. Those with High and Low Alcohol Content
Tonics take the strength of the antiseptics they contain from alcohol. Since it is of course not possible to supply the type of alcohol used in cosmetics at home, it seems obligatory to use alcoholic beverages and use fruit alcohol. To make lemon tonic, you can use Vodka, a simple distilled alcoholic beverage. You can wipe your skin with this mixture by adding half a glass of vodka to the juice of one lemon and keeping it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. It is a very strong cleaner. It kills germs and tightens the skin.
If you spray mineral water on your face, you will see that your skin will revitalize and tighten. Do not throw away your spray tonic bottles. Wash thoroughly and fill with mineral water. Clean skin before every evening to revitalize the skin. Then gently squeeze mineral water.
They are skin care products that should be used to maintain the existing balance of the skin, moisturize, soften the skin and prevent damage caused by external factors. While healthy skin is flexible and dry, dry skin is hard and lumpy. Dead cells (keratin) in dry skin, visible in plates and stripes, Str. They are poured from the corneum layer. The edges of these strips curl upwards, causing flaky appearance on the skin.

You can use it to balance the pH value of the skin and cleanse it from germs with its antiseptic effect. Instead of toner, you can dilute natural apple cider vinegar and apply it to your face with cotton. You can do this after washing your face at night and after applying moisturizer to your face in the morning. After applying apple cider vinegar with a light compress, leaving the vinegar on your skin overnight helps to fade aging spots and acne scars on the skin.

Citric Acid, which is the acid of lemon, has low pH values and a sour taste. It is a very rich source of potassium, calcium and copper. Lemon, although acidic, has an alkaline effect in water and in the body thanks to the rich potassium and magnesium it contains. Thanks to these cations that provide nerve transmission, it provides vitality and brightness in terms of mental and skin chemistry. Too much irritates the skin. It is better for oily skin.

Salt is one of the basic elements of life. Salt passes through biochemical reactions in our cells and takes part in body functions. It is possible for water to stay in our veins and cells thanks to salt. It not only adds flavor to our food, but also gives us peace and happiness. According to research conducted on mice at the University of Iowa in the USA, it was seen that salt deficiency led the animals to stay away from activities they normally enjoy doing. It is ideal for eliminating microbes on the skin. Too much dries the skin. It is better for oily skin.